Scott Meyers
Licensing Presentation Materials
One of the reasons Scott Meyers' training courses have been so well received is the quality of his presentation materials. Scott created the materials for his own use, and he's refined them through hundreds of presentations to thousands of attendees.
These exceptional materials are available for licensing, offering you an opportunity to take advantage of the thousands of hours Scott has invested in their development. They're designed for professionals who provide training services. Individuals who'd like a copy should consider licensing Scott's presentation materials for personal use.
What You Get
Materials for the following courses are licensed together as a unit:
- Effective Modern C++
- An Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14)
- Fastware for C++
- Better Software—No Matter What
- Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment
- Effective C++ Programming
- Effective STL Programming
For each course, you receive:
- The full set of PowerPoint slides. The notes associated with the slides provide insights that help you get the most out of the materials.
- A list of resources (e.g., books and articles, web pages, online videos) for additional information on the topics in the presentation. This list is part of the slide set. Many course attendees consider it a highlight of the materials.
- The course description and topic outline from Scott's web site.
For a one-time fee, you may use the materials within your company or with outside clients in almost any way. Add or remove slides, edit their content, derive new slide sets from them, deliver presentations live or in recorded form, etc. The only restriction is that you may not use the materials as the basis for book-like publications that would compete with Scott's books.
Further Information
For additional information about licensing Scott's presentation materials, email or contact Scott directly.