Scott Meyers
Past Talks
Over the years, Scott has made scores of public presentations at conferences, SIGs, open-enrollment seminars, etc. Here is a list of many of those presentations.
"A Quick Look at Speedy Software", Reed College Math Colloquium, April 17, 2018.
"Things that Matter," DConf 2017, May 5, 2017. [Video of the talk.]
"Modern C++ Beyond the Headlines," Nexon Developers Conference, April 28, 2016. [Video of the talk.]
"Effective Modern C++ live! Scott Meyers on void Futures," live online webinar, March 31, 2015. [Video of the talk.]
"The Evolving Search for Effective C++," Meeting C++, December 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"The Most Important Design Guideline," ConFu, November 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"Effective Modern C++," ConFu, November 2014. [Videos of the talk Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6]
"Support for Embedded Programming in C++11 and C++14," code::dive, November 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," code::dive, November 2014. [Video of the talk.] (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Effective Modern C++," Learning Connexions, October 2014.
"Burying bind," C++ and Beyond: 2014, October 2014.
"Type Deduction and Why You Care," C++ and Beyond: 2014, September 2014.
"A Crash Course in C++ 14" C++ and Beyond: 2014, September 2014.
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," Susquehanna International Group, September 2014.
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," Broad Institute, September 2014.
"C++ Type Deduction and Why You Care," CppCon, September 2014. [Video of the talk.] (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Why C++ Sails When the Vasa Sank," Yandex, June 2014. [Video of the talk.] (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"An Overview of the New C++ (C++11/C++14)," Yandex, June 2014.
"Better Software — No Matter What: The Most Important Design Guideline," Norwegian Developers Conference, June 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," Norwegian Developers Conference, June 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"C++ Type Deduction and Why You Care," Norwegian Developers Conference, June 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"Effective Modern C++," Norwegian Developers Conference, June 2014. [Video of the talk.]
"The Last Thing D Needs," DConf 2014, May 2014. [Video of the talk.] (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Type Deduction and Why You Care," C++ and Beyond: 2013, December 2013.
"Burying bind," C++ and Beyond: 2013, December 2013.
"A Crash Course in C++14," C++ and Beyond: 2013, December 2013.
"Concurrent Data Structures and Standard C++," C++ and Beyond: 2013, December 2013.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2013.
"Effective C++11 Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2013.
"An Overview of the New C++ (C++11)," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2013.
"Why C++ Sails When the Vasa Sank," Chicago C/C++ Users Group, October 2013.
"An Effective C++11/14 Sampler," GoingNative, September 2013.
"The Universal Reference/Overloading Collision Conundrum," Northwest C++ Users' Group, July 2013.
"Effective C++11 Programming," Developer Focus, June 2013.
"Lambdas vs std::bind in C++11 and C++14," Oslo C++ Users Group, June 2013.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Norwegian Developers Conference, June 2013.
"Effective C++11 Programming," ProgramUtvikling, June 2013.
"The Consistency Conundrum," Keynote Address, Intel Programmers' Day, October 2012.
"An Overview of the New C++ (C++11)," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2012.
"Fastware for C++," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2012.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2012.
"Initial Thoughts on Effective C++ 11," C++ and Beyond: 2012, August 2012.
"Universal References in C++11," C++ and Beyond: 2012, August 2012.
"Secrets of the C++11 Threading API," C++ and Beyond: 2012, August 2012.
"Adventures in Perfect Forwarding," Facebook C++ Conference, June 2012. [Video of the talk, Part 1.] [Video of the talk, Part 2.] (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Design Patterns, Templates, and Policy-Based Design," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2011.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2011.
"Effektives C++ im Eingebetteten Bereich," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2011.
"Fastware for C++," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2011.
"The C++0x Memory Model and Why You Care," C++ and Beyond: 2011, August 2011.
"Adventures in Perfect Forwarding," C++ and Beyond: 2011, August 2011.
"Why C++ Sails when the Vasa Sank," Lightning Keynote Address, ACCU Conference 2011, April 2011.
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," ACCU Conference 2011, April 2011. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Move Semantics, Rvalue References, and Perfect Forwarding in C++0x," ACCU Conference 2011, April 2011. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Move Semantics, Rvalue References, and Perfect Forwarding in C++0x," C++ and Beyond Encore!, December 2010.
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," C++ and Beyond Encore!, December 2010.
"Move Semantics, Rvalue References, and Perfect Forwarding in C++0x," C++ and Beyond: 2010, October 2010.
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," C++ and Beyond: 2010, October 2010.
"Overview of the New C++ (C++0x)," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2010.
"Fastware for C++," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September-October 2010.
"The Case for C++ in Embedded Systems," MISRA Day 2010, September 2010. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2010.
"CPU Caches and Why You Care," Portland Code Camp, May 2010. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Overview of the New C++ (C++0x)," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by Construx Software, December 2009.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2009.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2009.
"Overview of the New C++ (C++0x)," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2009.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, June 2009.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, June 2009.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, June 2009.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Software Development, March 2009.
"Enforcing Code Feature Requirements in C++," Software Development, March 2009.
"C++ Under the Hood," Software Development, March 2009.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, March 2009.
"Authoring Challenges in a Multiplatform World," Tools of Change, February 2009.
"C++ as a Better C++," MISRA Day, October 2008.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2008.
"Design Patterns, Templates, and Policy-Based Design," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2008.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2008.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2008.
"Enforcing Code Feature Requirements in C++," Northwest C++ Users Group, May 20, 2008.
"The Keyhole Problem," Software Development, March 2008.
"C++ Double Feature," Software Development, March 2008.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Software Development, March 2008.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development , March 2008.
"An Introduction to TR1 and Boost," Software Development, March 2008.
"C++ Callbacks for C APIs," (an excerpt from "Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment"), Astoria Seminar, September 2007.
"An Overview of TR1," Astoria Seminar, September 2007.
"Applying C++ in Embedded Systems," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2007.
"Design Patterns, Templates, and Policy-Based Design," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2007.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2007.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2007.
"A Shotgun Firehose Introduction to TR1 and Boost," Boost Libraries Conference, May 2007.
"Red Code, Green Code: Generalizing const," Northwest C++ Users Group, April 25, 2007. [Video of the talk.]
"When C++ Hits the Hardware," Embedded Systems Conference, April 2007.
"Coming to Terms with C++ Templates," Embedded Systems Conference, April 2007.
"C++ Under the Hood," Embedded Systems Conference, April 2007.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Software Development, March 2007.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, March 2007.
"An Overview of TR1," Software Development, March 2007.
"Boost Libraries Beyond TR1," Software Development, March 2007.
"When C++ Hits the Hardware," Software Development, March 2007.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Software Development, March 2007.
"Better Software — No Matter What," (an excerpt from the full day seminar of the same name), Software Development India, January 2007.
"Implementing Virtual Functions, Part 2: Multiple Inheritance," (an excerpt from "Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment"), live online webinar, January 11, 2007. [Video of the talk.]
"Implementing Virtual Functions, Part 1: Single Inheritance," (an excerpt from "Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment"), live online webinar, January 4, 2007.
"Programmer Discretion and Software Quality," (an excerpt from "Better Software — No Matter What"), Keynote Address, Bessere Software!, November 2006.
"Concepts and Architecture of the STL," Bessere Software!, November 2006.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by OGI CPD, November 2006.
"An Introduction to C++ Library Functionality in TR1 and Boost" (a combination of "An Overview of TR1" and "Boost Libraries Beyond TR1"), OOPSLA, October 2006.
"The Keyhole Problem," Invited Talk, Pacific NW Software Quality Conference, October 2006.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2006.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2006.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2006.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2006.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2006.
"Design Patterns, Templates, and Policy-Based Design," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2006.
"The Keyhole Problem," ACCU Conference 2006, April 2006.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," ACCU Conference 2006, April 2006.
"When C++ Hits the Hardware," ACCU Conference 2006, April 2006.
"An Overview of TR1," Software Development, March 2006.
"Boost Libraries Beyond TR1," Software Development, March 2006.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Software Development, March 2006.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, March 2006.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Software Development, March 2006.
"When C++ Hits the Hardware," Software Development, March 2006.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by OGI CPD, March 2006.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by OGI CPD, February 2006.
"Programmer Discretion and Software Quality," (an excerpt from "Better Software — No Matter What"), Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN), January 2006. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Using the STL Efficiently," C++ Connections, November 2005.
"Modeling Memory-Mapped I/O," (an excerpt from "When C++ Hits the Hardware"), C++ Connections, November 2005.
"The Keyhole Problem," Keynote Address, Northwest Region Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, October 2005. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Better Software — No Matter What," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2005.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2005.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2005.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2005.
"Patterns, Templates, and Policy-Based Design," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2005.
"The Meaning of 'f(x)' in C++" and "Dimensional Analysis in C++", Northwest C++ Users Group, September 2005.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, March 2005.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Software Development, March 2005.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Software Development, March 2005.
"When C++ Hits the Hardware," Software Development, March 2005.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by OGI CPD, January 2005.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by OGI CPD, December 2004.
"Better Software — No Matter What," OOPSLA, October 2004. (Due to a health emergency in Scott's family, this talk was delivered by Kevlin Henney.)
"Patterns, Templates, and Policy-Based Design," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2004.
"What's New in Effective C++?," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2004.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2004.
"Effective STL Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, October 2004.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Northwest C++ Users Group, April 2004.
"Double-Checked Locking, Threads, C++ Compiler Optimizations, and More," Software Development, March 2004.
"When C++ Hits the Hardware," Software Development, March 2004.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, March 2004.
"The Keyhole Problem," Software Development, March 2004.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Embedded World 2004, February 2004.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by OGI CPD, December 2003.
"The Keyhole Problem: How Gratuitous Constraints Decrease Software Quality," Oregon IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, October 2003. (Slides from the talk (in PDF) are available here.)
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2003.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2003.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, September 2003.
"Testing and Implicit Requirements: Expanding the Unwritten Specification," Featured Session at STAREast, May, 2003.
"The Keyhole Problem," VS Connections, May, 2003.
"Rvalues in C++," VS Connections, May, 2003.
"False Friends in C++," VS Connections, May, 2003.
"Library Design and the C++ Standard Library," VS Connections, May, 2003.
"Approaches to the Static Initialization Problem," VS Connections, May, 2003.
"Maximizing STL Performance," VS Connections, May, 2003.
"Library Design and the C++ Standard Library," Software Development, March, 2003.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, March, 2003.
"False Friends in C++," Software Development, March, 2003.
"Static Initialization and the Search for the Perfect Singleton," Software Development, March, 2003.
"Nothing Works and Nobody Cares," Adventures in Software Engineering: A Benefit for Norm Kerth (at OGI), December 2002.
"Static Initialization and the Search for the Perfect Singleton," Software Development, November 2002.
"Better Software — No Matter What," Software Development, November 2002.
"The Keyhole Problem," Software Development, November 2002.
"Library Design and the C++ Standard Library," Software Development, November 2002.
"Designing and Implementing Effective C++ Classes," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2002.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2002.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2002.
"Effective STL Programming," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by QA Systems, November 2002.
"Rvalues in C++," The C++ Seminar III, October 2002.
"False Friends in C++," The C++ Seminar III, October 2002.
"Approximating Named Parameters in C++," The C++ Seminar III, October 2002.
"Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment," Open-enrollment seminar sponsored by Programming Research (in the UK), November 2002.
"The Keyhole Problem," Keynote Address, Software Development, April 2002.
"C++ Odds and Ends," Software Development, April 2002.
"Maximizing STL Performance," Software Development, April 2002.
"STL Allocators," Software Development, April 2002.
"C++ Odds and Ends," The C++ Seminar II, March 2002.
"Library Design and the C++ Standard Library," The C++ Seminar II, March 2002.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Software Productivity Center, March 2002.
"Effective STL Programming," Software Productivity Center, March 2002.
"Using the STL Effectively," The C++ Seminar I, October 2001.
"Maximizing STL Performance," The C++ Seminar I, October 2001.
"Designing and Implementing Effective Classes," QA Systems, September-October 2001.
"Effective STL Programming," QA Systems, September-October 2001.
"Effective STL Sneak Preview," WSA Windows Developer SIG (WinSIG), May 2001.
"In Search of the Perfect Singleton," Software Development, April 2001. This was this year's "Something Cool in C++" talk. It was similar to Scott's talk on "Approaches to the Static Initialization Problem."
"Real-World C++," Software Development, April 2001.
"Implementing a
User-Defined operator->*
Software Development, April 2001.
"The Strange Tale of auto_ptr
Software Development, April 2001.
"Real-World C++," C++ World, December 1999.
"Implementing operator->*
C++ World, December 1999.
"The Strange Tale of auto_ptr
C++ World, December 1999.
"Beyond Applets and Eye Candy: Design Issues for Effective Electronic Publication," Computer Literacy Bookstore, May 1999. This talk was primarily based on material from Scott's and Jason Jones' paper, "Document Design for Effective Electronic Publication," which they presented at the 5th Conference on Human Factors & the Web.
"Smart Pointers in C++," Software Development, May 1999.
"Programming with C++ Exceptions," Software Development, May 1999.
"Real-World C++," Software Development, May 1999.
," Software Development, May 1999.
"Real World C++," COMDEX, November 1998. [Audio of the talk.]
"Three Cool Things in C++," COOTS '98, April 1998.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," COOTS '98, April 1998.
"Smart Pointers A to Z," DevWeek '98, February 1998.
"Improving C++ Efficiency," DevWeek '98, February 1998.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Software Development, February 1998.
"Various Views of Visitor," Software Development, February 1998.
"Something Cool in C++," Software Development, February 1998.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," C++ World, November 1997.
"Double Dispatching in C++," C++ World, November 1997.
"Something Cool in C++," Keynote Address, C++ World, November 1997.
"Smart Pointers A to Z," Visual C++ Developers Conference, September 1997.
"Uncoupling Classes: Reducing Compilation Dependencies in C++," Visual C++ Developers Conference, September 1997.
"Writing Efficient C++ Programs," Software Development Asia, July 1997.
"C++ Under the Hood," Software Development Asia, July 1997.
"Designing Effective Classes in C++," Software Development Asia, July 1997.
"Building High Quality C++ Software Components," Software Development Asia, July 1997.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," 3rd Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS '97), June 1997.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Object Expo, June 1997.
"Something Cool in C++," Software Development, April 1997. Click here for raw notes on the material in this talk.
"Double Dispatching in C++," Software Development, April 1997.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Software Development, April 1997.
"Double Dispatching in C++," TOOLS Pacific, November 1996.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," TOOLS Pacific, November 1996.
"Double Dispatching in C++," Software Development, October 1996.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," Software Development, October 1996.
"High-Performance C++," C++ World, October 1995.
"Efficient C++ Programming," Software Development, October 1995.
"The Problems with C++ — and Why You Should Use it Anyway," Software Development, October 1995.
"Writing Efficient C++ Programs," Object Expo Europe, September 1995.
"Writing Effective Versions of new
and delete
," Object Expo Europe, September 1995.
"Designing Effective Classes in C++," Windows Solutions, September 1995.
"Using Inheritance Effectively in C++," Windows Solutions, September 1995.
"Writing Efficient C++ Programs," Windows Solutions, September 1995.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," C/C++ Solutions, January 1995.
"Writing Effective Versions of new
and delete
," C++ World, November 1994.
"High-Performance C++ Programming," OOPSLA, October 1994. Of the 46 tutorials at the conference, this received the highest rating.
"Writing Effective Versions of new
and delete
in C++," Object Expo Europe, September 1994.
"Effective Class Design for C++," Object Expo Europe, September 1994.
"The Problems with C++ — and Why You Should Use it Anyway," Software World USA, September 1994.
"Writing Efficient C++ Programs," Software World USA, September 1994.
"Writing Effective Versions of new
and delete
in C++," Object Expo, June 1994.
"Unexpected Implications of Choosing C++," Seventh Annual TEAMWORKERS Conference, May 1994.
"Designing and Implementing Effective Classes," USENIX C++ Technical Conference, April 1994.
"Writing Efficient C++ Programs," Software Development, March 1994.
"CCEL: The C++ Constraint Expression Language," Workshop on Progress in Distributed, Object-Oriented Computing, Brown University Computer Science Department, October 1992.
"The Need for Tools in Object-Oriented Programming," Workshop on Real-World Experiences with the Object Paradigm, Brown University Computer Science Department, May 1990.